Free Online CPR Course During April Pools Day Campaign

March 31, 2023 | KIDS ALIVE

April Pools Day 2023

Kids Alive is once again proud to support April Pools Day 1-14 April. This fantastic initiative is a partnership between Poolwerx and Australian Red Cross, aimed at getting as many Aussies trained in basic CPR as possible.

From 1 April to 15 April 2023, you can sign up at  and you will receive access to the FREE online course from Australian Red Cross valued at $100. Following completion of the online unit, you can also save 20% off more comprehensive CPR courses from Australian Red Cross.

A person is 4 times more likely to survive a drowning if CPR is administered, so by completing this short CPR course, you will be putting lifesaving skills in your hands.

Registrations open on April 1st. Let’s all get CPR trained in 2023!