Learn2Swim Week 2022 is back with a SPLASH!

August 12, 2022 | KIDS ALIVE

23 September – 1 October

Swim Schools, join with Poolwerx and Kids Alive for Learn2Swim Week.

Drowning is still the number one cause of accidental deaths in children under five. Tragically, we saw a 108% increase last year and a 9% increase on the 10-year average, with 8% of these incidents happening in swimming pools.

We understand the difficulties swimming schools have faced, with many impacted by lockdown and government restrictions. The last few years have been tough, but together we’re tougher! Partnering with L2SW gives you the opportunity to publicly promote your school and the importance of water safety to your local community.

What’s New for 2022

This year Olympic legends Libby Trickett and Laurie Lawrence have joined Learn2Swim Week to promote the initiative nationwide. We have developed amazing new content, executed a national PR campaign as well as paid and organic social media campaigns. Giving you access to a wealth of invigorating content to engage with your community.

Why Register

Learn2Swim Week is a nationally recognised water safety initiative. As well as promoting your schools on our website we’ll also provide you with the tools to further boost your visibility in the community. This includes:

  • Learn2Swim Week registration pack including posters, counter posters and event info
  • Access to digital assets including social media posts and artwork, flyers, email content
  • Vouchers – we know restrictions can impact swimming numbers so our vouchers let you offer interested parents a free swimming lesson outside the campaign dates

How to Register

  • To list your school visit https://learn2swimweek.com/register-your-pool/ . Here you will need to enter your pool details.
  • *New Feature – for those managing multiple locations we’ve updated the website so you will only need one login.

Help protect the little people we love most, and change lives with Learn2Swim Week. We all win with Learn2Swim!