New Call 000 song for young kids now available

August 31, 2023 | KIDS ALIVE

Kids Alive – Do the Five has released a new song ‘Call 000’ that takes young children through the steps needed to deal with an emergency.

Research shows there is a critical need to support Australia’s 2 million children aged 3-6 years to learn how to respond in an emergency event.

In a recent survey only 14% of people were very confident that the children they know in the 3 to 6-year age group would understand that help is at hand by calling Triple Zero (000).

The song uses repetition to teach kids to call Triple Zero (000) and reinforces how important learning CPR is for families.

Queensland Ambulance Services (QAS) Clinical Director Alex Thompson said the song was a great way to get kids thinking about calling Triple Zero.

“If children know to call Triple Zero (000) and what kind of information they might need to provide to emergency services, they are much more likely to stay calm in an emergency and take the appropriate action.”

Now that we are close to the start of the swimming season, the song is also a reminder for parents and carers about the necessity of learning CPR. 

Summer is the peak season for water-based emergencies and drownings and both adults and young children need to be prepared in the event of an emergency. Statistics show even attempting CPR will have a dramatic impact on the outcome of an emergency, especially in a submersion scenario. The new Call 000 song is available HERE